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Marcelo C. Borba 


Marcelo is a Professor of the Graduate Program in Mathematics Education and of the Mathematics Department of São Paulo State University (UNESP) at Rio Claro, Brazil, where he chairs the research group GPIMEM. Marcelo researches the use of digital technology in mathematics education, online distance education, modeling as a pedagogical approach, critical mathematics education and qualitative research methodology. He is an Associate Editor of ZDM, The International Journal of Mathematics Education. He has presented lectures as an international guest in 14 countries around the world. He is the current chair in the Teaching Committee of CAPES, a funding agency of the National Ministry of Education in Brazil.  He has also been a member of program committees for international conferences. Marcelo has published several books, book chapters, and refereed papers in journals in Portuguese and in English. He is the editor of a collection of books in Brazil, which has been published over the last twelve years and includes 33 books to date. He is currently leading a project of CAPES-PrInt that promotes internationalization of research in Brazil, with reseearchers from Australia, Austria, Canada, England, South Africa, U.S.A,.



Marcelo de Carvalho Borba é Doutor em Educação Matemática pela Cornell University, Estados Unidos. Atualmente é professor do Programa de Pós- Graduação em Educação Matemática da Unesp (PPGEM). É coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Informática, Outras Mídias e Educação Matemática (GPIMEM). Desenvolve pesquisas em Educação Matemática, metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, modelagem e tecnologias de informação e comunicação.  É editor associado do ZDM,, International Journal of Mathematics Education. Já ministrou palestras convidadas em 14 países, tendo publicado diversos artigos no Brasil e no exterior. Atualmente é Coordenador da Área de Ensino da Capes. Ele lidera um projeto Capes-Print que promove internacionalização da pós-graduação Brasileira com pesquisadores da Australia, Austria, Canada, England, South Africa, E.U.A.

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